Alpha-Stim Therapy

Alpha-Stim Therapy in South Portland, ME

Who Can Use the Alpha-Stim?

Alpha-Stim, or Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES), is a device that is used in the treatment of anxiety.  CES works by sending small amounts of electricity through the cranium and into the brain, causing the brain to produce alpha from brain waves.  Alpha form brain waves are those that are associated with states of relaxation, such as those induced by meditation and yoga. The effect of this action is the promotion of a non-anxiety state.  Over the course of treatment, the brain learns to produce alpha form waves under conditions in which it would otherwise produce beta form waves or those brain waves that are associated with anxiety.  Alpha-Stim is an extremely well research-based device, and can permanently relieve anxiety. For further information regarding research and applications, please visit the Alpha-Stim website at

To try the Alpha-Stim, a medical prescription from a physician is required. Although rare, not everyone who uses the Alpha-Stim finds that it works for them. To get the best results, the Alpha-Stim should be tested for at least a month.

Relief may not be immediate, especially if you have depression or severe anxiety. As a depression treatment for our clients throughout Portland, the Alpha-Stim uses electrical waveform technology. This wavefront technology helps amplify and activate brain stem nerve cells.

This is modulation, caused thanks to the brain being in an alpha state. When the alpha state becomes activated, feelings of happiness, relaxation, and calmness occur. What may be most remarkable about the Alpha-Stim is the fact that this can happen after a single session.

Another significant thing is using the Alpha-Stim over time may help “rewire” the brain. Many conditions, like depression and anxiety, are because brain chemistry is not correct. With the Alpha-Stim, patients may find relief from side effects from mental conditions.

How To Use the Alpha-Stim

Before you can try out the Alpha-Stim, a healthcare practitioner must prescribe it to you. After being prescribed the Alpha-Stim, read the manual that comes with the device.

The Alpha-Stim is a small device, about the size of a mobile phone. You’ll receive electrodes and earclip pads for the device as well.

When using the Alpha-Stim for pain relief, hand-held probes or attachable electrodes are applied to the site of pain. You can continue taking prescription painkillers or prescriptions at the same time.

By applying the Alpha-Stim directly to the site of pain, you feel fast pain-relief. Over time, you may even notice a reduction in the amount of pain, or its severity thanks to nerve stimulation.

If you are treating depression or anxiety, the Alpha-Stim uses earclip pads. These pads allow you to clip electrodes to your ear lobes. From there, microcurrents are sent through the brain. The beauty of the Alpha-Stim is its discrete size. Nobody but you needs to know that you are using it!

With a small size and discrete electrodes, you’ll just look like you’re listening to music. With prolonged use, many patients find their depression and anxiety decrease over time.

There’s no reason to feel like you only need to use the Alpha-Stim either, since it can be used with all medications. There’s no risk of getting addicted and few negative side effects.

Want to learn more about the Alpha-Stim? Schedule an appointment at Scarborough NeuroDevelopment Center today!

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